CGR Master Class 

The CGR Master Class is our core program designed to offer a safe community space for young girls (Ages 6+) and women to learn and engage in arts and crafts, artistic design, visual arts and empowerment workshops to explore their emotions, develop self-awareness, cope with stress, anxiety and boost self-esteem.

The CGR Master Class is also used as a therapeutic outlet for participants to help with overall work-life balance. Creative expression provides a sense of fulfillment and restorative health, and we have seen through our classes that young girls and women are seeking these types of artistic outlets to help with mental health and wellness.

This program is free for all participants unless an exclusive workshop is offered. All workshops are operated on a first come, first serve basis by registering for a workshop. To sign up for one of our workshops, please check out our upcoming events.

CGR DIY Craft Kits

In 2021, Creative Girls Rock®️ created the CGR DIY Craft Kit to adapt to the global pandemic by providing virtual programming for our participants. The DIY Craft kits are free for participants who register through our website. These kits are filled with tools and activities delivered right to each participant's doorstep. This opportunity was made possible by our presenting CGR programming platinum sponsor, Sony Music Group; and diamond sponsor, TC Energy.

With this new virtual platform, we have doubled our participation within our CGR Master Classes. The DIY Craft Kits have impacted 300+ girls and women across the country, and we are now an international brand! Check out our CGR Youtube channel to see some of the unpacking videos from our participants!

CGR Disclosures:

Creative Girls Rock prohibits discrimination against its participants, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by Creative Girls Rock®️.

By registering for and/or participating in Creative Girls Rock® ("CGR") programs and services, I/We understand that CGR may publish still photographs, moving images, sound recordings and/or videos ("Images") of my child and/or me through newspapers, radio, TV, the internet, social media, DVDs, displays, brochures, and other types of media without payment or any consideration and without notifying me.

I/We understand and agree that these Images will become the property of CGR, and I/We irrevocably authorize CGR to publish or distribute  these Images for the purpose of publicizing its events, programs, and services or for any other lawful purpose. In addition, I/We waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my child’s likeness or my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any rights to royalties or other compensation arising out of or related to the use of the Images.    


CGR Master Class Photo Gallery

Wine Bottle Wrapping - 11/17/17


Vintage Music Sheet Wreath - 2/18/18


String Nail Art - 6/24/18


Ornament Wreath - 11/18/18, 11/25/18, 11/24/19


Acrylic Pouring Workshop - 5/26/19


DIY Pumpkin Floral Arrangement Class 10/24/20


Crayon Canvas Art - 11/17/17

melted crayon.jpg

DIY Distressed Denim - 3/18/18


MTZ Baptist Church- Saving Our Daughters - 7/16/18


The Power to Be: A Vision Board Party 1/27/19


Goal Setting & Planning Workshop - 12/28/19

CGR Goal Planning Workshop Flyer - JPEG.jpg

Spoon Mirror - 1/21/18 & 7/28/19


Craft & Cocktails - 4/20/18

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Flawless in Five: Special Edition 3/24/19


Knit & Crochet Workshop 101 - 2/23/20
